Life Continues After - Autumn/Winter 2021 series!

Life Continues After - Autumn/Winter 2021 series!

I’m delighted to announce that our submissions for our Autumn/Winter series 2021/22 are open! We’re looking for all submissions - poetry, essays, short stories, short films, any music you’ve made - that centre on your experiences as a survivor of sexual trauma. We’re also looking for art to go alongside our written pieces.

Submissions are open to anyone identifying as a survivor, or to anyone who supports a survivor and has advice to share on this topic. Your submissions can be named, partially named, or anonymous (just fill out the submissions form and leave out your name) - it’s completely up to you. I am the editor-in-chief and will be editing most pieces, but I’m planning to hire an assistant editor, so your submissions may be read by them too.

Unfortunately, at this stage, published pieces aren’t paid so this is an unpaid opportunity. I really wish we could compensate creators for their time and art, but at this stage LCA doesn’t have enough funds to sustain this for everyone. We’re looking to change the structure soon to try and work out a way that rightful compensation can be given to creators. We’re entirely self-funded, so if you’re interested in helping fund us please see our patreon.

Submissions are open 28th August - 28th October. Please fill out the form on the submissions page or email

I can’t wait to see all your submissions - Cxx

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We're Hiring!

A Message from LCA

A Message from LCA